Where in the World Wednesday: Week 1

Happy Wednesday Spoiled Travelers! In an effort to bring a little fun to your hump day (especially for those of you who are on the M-F/9-5 hamster wheel and suffering from a bit of wanderlust) I’m happy to bring you Where In the World Wednesday. Each Wednesday I will be posting a photo from my travels along with a little trivia and will invite you to guess the destination.

This week’s location is home to geothermal springs and a thermal water cave system. It is a popular destination for spa retreats but my favorite attraction was the art on the pond in this city’s park. Where in the World Am I?

Submit your guess in the comments below

If you’ve been fortunate to visit this beautiful city share your experience with us. And consider yourself Spoiled! If you have not yet visited this week’s corner of the globe then I invite you to live vicariously through me. It is my sincere hope that by sharing my travels I will inspire each of you to pack your bags, hit the road and get another stamp in your passport. The world awaits. Start exploring. Spoil yourself!

In the meantime go ahead and guess…Where in the World Am I? Submit your guess in the comments below or join us on Facebook.


10 responses to “Where in the World Wednesday: Week 1”

  1. This week’s location is home to geothermal springs and a thermal water cave system. It is a popular destination for spa retreats but my favorite attraction was the art on the pond in this city’s park. Where in the World Am I?

  2. It must be Eastern Europe, to which I have not been much – but my guess is Budapest

  3. This is a tough one! Where are you girl? Are you in Indonesia? (bad guess but I couldn't take a good one lol).

  4. I agree with Budapest, Hungary. I believe that is a picture of the Vajdahunyad Castle.

  5. Kristin Avatar

    Lol! Nope not Indonesia but they do have some very nice spas there in Bali so you're right about that part of the hint 😉

  6. Michele Smith Avatar
    Michele Smith

    I concur, its Budapest.

  7. Michele Smith Avatar
    Michele Smith

    Cant wait to see the next Where in the world Wednesday.

  8. Kristin Avatar

    Maia & Mike, You are correct! The photo is in fact of Vajdahunyad Castle in City Park, Budapest, Hungary. The lake in front of the castle hosts a unique display of contemporary art. One of my favorite parts of this incredibly beautiful city and the most unique art gallery I've ever seen.

  9. Kristin Avatar

    That's exactly right Mike 😉 And well done naming the castle! It sounds like you might have visited this beautiful city?

  10. Kristin Avatar

    Girl, you've been a place or 2…or 200 😉 You'll be good at this game.

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