How I Work Just 6 Hours a Month: The Power of Mindset and Resourcefulness

One of the things people often ask me is, “How do you manage to take so much time off?” The truth is, I take more time off than most people think is even possible. My current work schedule is just 6 hours a month, and yes, it’s intentional. In fact, I adjust it at any time, depending on what I want, where my life is, etc. For example, not long ago, I took 10 months off to travel the UK with my son before he started school.

This is something I mastered years ago when I injured my hands – a lifelong challenge that led to absolutely extraordinary gifts as well.

But let’s be clear: this didn’t happen by accident. Achieving this level of freedom wasn’t a stroke of luck, nor did it come from working 90-hour weeks. It’s all about having the right mindset and using the resources available to design a business that works for you—not the other way around.

The Breakdown: What My 6 Hours a Month Looks Like

Here’s how I spend my 6 hours of work each month:

  • 2 hours of group coaching calls, where I support my clients and help them align with their purpose.
  • 2 hours of marketing creation and connection, including content creation and audience engagement.
  • 1 hour for team meetings, ensuring everything runs smoothly across my businesses.
  • 1 hour for client Q&A, addressing their questions and providing personalized guidance.

This schedule is my norm when I’m not in what I call a Work Season™.

What is a Work Season™?

A Work Season™ is a focused period of time—usually anywhere from a week to a few months—where I go into what I call hyper-productivity mode. During this time, I’m completely immersed in the deep work that allows my business to function without me for extended periods.

In these Work Seasons™, I might:

  • Develop a new program or product.
  • Record lessons and social content that can be reused for years with my Time Rich Content Bank™ method.
  • Conduct market research to ensure my strategies remain relevant.
  • Interview and hire new team members to maintain the high standards I set for my businesses.

The purpose of a Work Season is to set everything in motion so that I can step away for as long as I choose, knowing that the systems I’ve built will continue to operate smoothly.

Why It Works: A Shift in Mindset

The secret to working just 6 hours a month lies in a simple but powerful mindset shift: you don’t have to work more to be successful. In fact, working more doesn’t always lead to better results. Often, it leads to burnout, stress, and inefficiency.

Most entrepreneurs are taught that success requires hustle—long hours, constant effort, and sacrifice. While hard work has its place, there’s a big difference between working hard and working smart.

In my experience, success comes from being resourceful and intentional with your time. It’s about knowing where to focus your energy and building systems that allow you to step away from the grind without losing momentum. That’s what I mean when I talk about mindset and resourcefulness.

The Freedom to Choose Your Schedule

Right now, I’ve chosen to spend about 20% of my time on business and the other 80% living. That’s the balance that works for me because my son is still young and I want to be present in his life.

When my son gets older and is more interested in spending time with his friends, I’ll likely adjust those numbers. I might shift my focus more toward work during certain periods, or I might take another year off to travel when he heads to college. The important thing is that I get to choose.

This freedom to design my work-life balance didn’t come from working harder—it came from being strategic. I built my business around the lifestyle I wanted, not the other way around.

What Do I Do With My Time Off?

The beauty of having a freedom-based business is that it gives you the ability to truly live. For me, this means spending time with my son, who’s about to turn 10. We have an active life, filled with experiences that create lasting memories. Here’s a glimpse of what my time looks like outside of those 6 hours of work:

  • We spend time at the beach regularly.
  • Several days a week are spent at Legoland, a favorite spot of his.
  • Tuesdays are for the movies. It’s a routine we’ve come to love.
  • Last week, we took a day off from school to visit Knott’s Scary Farm.
  • Next week, we’re headed to Julian, CA, which my son calls “Pie-Town” (thanks to their famous apple pies).

Every day, I feel an immense sense of gratitude for the freedom to spend this time with him. I’m not stuck behind a desk or working 9-5, and I certainly don’t subscribe to the notion that you have to work 70-90 hours a week to be successful. That’s just not the kind of life I want to live.

You Get to Choose Your Numbers

The truth is, you get to choose your numbers. Whether that means working 6 hours a month or 30, it’s entirely up to you. You aren’t confined to a traditional workweek unless you choose to be.

The only limit is your mindset. If you believe that success requires constant hustle, you’ll find yourself in a cycle of burnout. But if you embrace the idea that success can come from working smart—and that you can build a business that supports the life you want to live—then you’ll find a whole new level of freedom.

It’s not about escaping work entirely; it’s about choosing how and when you work.

The Role of Resourcefulness

Alongside the right mindset, the key to this lifestyle is resourcefulness. It’s about using the tools, strategies, and systems available to you in a way that maximizes your time and minimizes your effort.

For example, during a Work Season™, I’ll spend time recording content and building resources that I can use for months or even years to come. This isn’t just about efficiency—it’s about setting up a foundation that will support my business long after I’ve stepped away from it.

Resourcefulness also means being smart about outsourcing. You don’t have to do everything yourself. Delegating tasks to a capable team, automating repetitive processes, and using tools that streamline your workflow are all part of this approach.

The more resourceful you are, the more freedom you can create.

Final Thoughts: Mindset and Resourcefulness Create True Freedom

The life I’ve built didn’t happen by following the traditional path. It happened by shifting my mindset and focusing on being resourceful with my time and energy. I built a business that supports my life—not the other way around.

If you’ve been feeling stuck or overwhelmed by the demands of work, it’s worth considering how a change in mindset could change everything. You don’t have to follow the 9-5 grind. You don’t have to work 90 hours a week. You get to choose your numbers.

So ask yourself: How much time do you really want to spend working? And what would your life look like if you designed your business around your ideal lifestyle?

The freedom to live life on your terms is within your reach. It starts with being intentional, resourceful, and open to the possibility that less work can lead to more success.

Cheering to your inevitable success,
Jeni Hott

About Jeni Hott

Jeni Hott is a globally recognized thought leader and 8-figure entrepreneur who teaches entrepreneurs how to create purpose-driven, freedom-based businesses through Time Rich Millionaire™. To learn how to build a business that creates impact, offers time freedom, and generates big profits as a bonus, visit


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