One Good Page™

One Good Page™

One Good Page™ Movement: Create Change, One Page at a Time

Welcome to the One Good Page™ Movement—a simple yet powerful initiative designed to help you make a meaningful impact through your platform.

In today’s fast-paced world, dedicating just one page of your website to a cause that matters can create extraordinary ripples of change. It’s more than a gesture; it’s a way to inspire action, raise awareness, and share important messages that can genuinely change lives.

What is One Good Page™?

One Good Page™ is a movement that invites website owners, bloggers, influencers, and content creators to dedicate one page of their site to a cause they believe in. Whether it’s mental health awareness, environmental conservation, or domestic violence prevention, the idea is simple: use your voice, your platform, to highlight something that matters.

While donations play a crucial role, awareness is where true change begins. Awareness sparks conversations, builds knowledge, and encourages action that can spread far beyond what any one of us could achieve alone. It’s the foundation for deeper, long-lasting support and the kind of change that sticks.

The Power of Awareness: Why It Matters

Raising awareness doesn’t just educate—it shifts perspectives and motivates people to take action. Here’s why awareness is essential:

  • It Starts Conversations: Dedicating one page of your website can be the catalyst for discussions about issues that might otherwise go unnoticed. Conversations are the beginning of change.
  • It Breaks Down Barriers: Awareness removes stigmas and dispels misunderstandings. It opens the door to understanding and empathy, creating space for real solutions.
  • It Inspires Action: By spreading awareness, you invite others to take part—whether through sharing your page, donating, or volunteering. Small actions can build into significant movements.
  • It Multiplies Impact: When you share a cause with your audience, and they share it with theirs, the reach expands exponentially. The more voices behind a cause, the louder it becomes.

Even a single One Good Page™ can lead to new volunteers, donors, advocates, and sometimes even policy changes. When people know more, they care more—and that caring leads to action. That’s the power of awareness.

How to Create Your Own One Good Page™

Creating your own One Good Page™ is easy but deeply impactful. Here’s a simple template to help you get started:

Template: Create Your One Good Page™

Note: You can find a copyable, ready-to-go template right here.

  1. Choose a Cause That Speaks to You
    • What cause are you passionate about?
      (Example: Mental health awareness, environmental conservation, etc.)
    • Why does this cause matter to you personally?
      (Share a brief story or explain why you feel connected to this issue.)
    Example: “Mental health has always been close to my heart. After losing a friend to suicide, I realized how important it is to bring awareness to mental health issues and encourage others to seek help.”
  2. Share the Impact
    • What do you want people to understand about this issue?
      (Share important facts, statistics, or challenges related to the cause.)
    • How can raising awareness make a difference?
      (Explain how understanding this issue can lead to action and change.)
    Example: “Did you know that nearly 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experiences mental illness each year? Raising awareness can help reduce stigma and encourage more people to seek treatment before it’s too late.”
  3. Encourage Action
    • What do you want your readers to do next?
      (Ask them to share the page, donate, volunteer, or educate themselves.)
    Example: “If you or someone you know is struggling, don’t hesitate to seek help. Share this page with your community to spread awareness or consider donating to organizations like the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).”
  4. Provide Helpful Resources
    • What resources can help your readers get involved?
      (Provide links to organizations, articles, or tools where people can learn more or take action.)
  5. Spread the Word
    • How can you inspire others to join the movement?
      (Encourage your readers to create their own One Good Page™ and share it on social media to expand the reach.)
    Example: “Join the movement! Visit to create your own One Good Page™ and share it to raise awareness for a cause that matters to you. Together, we can create ripples of change.”

Example Causes for Your One Good Page™

Here are a few causes that might inspire your own One Good Page™:

  • NO MORE: A global campaign dedicated to ending domestic violence and sexual assault.
  • Project Semicolon: A movement focused on suicide prevention, offering hope to those struggling with mental health challenges.
  • Alzheimer’s Association: Raising awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s research, care, and advocacy.

The Difference One Good Page™ Can Make

The beauty of One Good Page™ is that it multiplies your impact without requiring grand gestures. It’s about raising awareness, creating conversations, and inviting others to join the movement. By dedicating just one page of your website, you’re contributing to a global effort to create positive change.

Whether your page leads someone to volunteer, donate, or simply share the message, your One Good Page™ can inspire action that has a far-reaching impact. In a world where many people feel powerless to make a difference, this is an easy and accessible way to be part of the solution—one page at a time.

Ready to Create Your One Good Page™?

The world needs more voices speaking up for change. It starts with something as simple as dedicating one page of your platform. Imagine the impact if every website owner, blogger, and creator joined this movement—raising awareness for causes that urgently need more attention.

Are you ready to make a difference?
Create your One Good Page™ today and help amplify the voices that need to be heard.

Thank you for caring.

Cheering to your inevitable success,
Jeni Hott 🍾🥂
Founder, Time Rich Millionaire™ and One Good Page™ Movement