Our Egypt Experience 2 Weeks Before the Riots

Seven years ago Yvette and I made a decision and set a goal to one day join the Tony Robbins Platinum Partners. This is a group of extra-ordinary Entrepreneurs and professionals that play life at the highest level. It is a large investment of both time and money. The focus is to continuously learn and surround yourself around a peer group that holds eachother to a higher standard all the while contributing to each country we visit. Whether it’s visiting and giving much love to an orphanage like La Esperanza or going to visit a wore torn country like Israel and spending time with a program that is brining peace through a youth sporting program, bringing palestinian and Israel families together.
However, on a police officer and government employee salary, we could not afford it financially nor could we afford it time wise. We learned some incredible skills from Tony Robbins and more importantly starting to believe in ourselves and what we were capable of. We applied what we learned and began to add value to the market place. The more value we added the more our life changed and progressed to the point where in 2010 we were in a place to join Platinum Partners. We realized that the only thing holding us back from accomplishing whatever it is we want in life is the 6 inches between our ears.

We have taken several Traincations (getting trained while on vacation) with Tony and his beautiful wife sage and will be bringing you with us through some videos we created of our experience. The Traincations have been inspiring and has changed our life from what we have experienced and learned from our travels with Tony Robbins and the Platinum Partners. We will take you through the journey and share with you some never seen before footage in hopes it will inspire you on what’s possible for you and your family. This first video was our fist day in Egypt 2010 with Tony Robbins and the Platinum Partners. We were flown by a private charter from Israel to Egypt where we had a wonderful first night and experienced and Egyptian welcome and dinner. That night many of us went on a Nile river boat ride and created some great memories. Enjoy.


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