SpoiledTraveler Tweets:

  • Having drinks with old friends 🙂 (@ Playa del Sol Costa Sur Resort Puerto Vallarta) http://4sq.com/i0YUbG #
  • I'm so tickled that I helped to inspire this blog: http://www.totsandtravel.com – What an amazing early blogger! I can't wait to see more! #
  • Just booked a flight to LA for tomorrow… #
  • Enjoying my last day @ the Westin Puerto Vallarta – working on my tan, iPad in hand #
  • aaaaand… now i'm wearing my super greens shake. /:-| #
  • I just ousted @amine_tames as the mayor of Westin Resort & Spa Puerto Vallarta on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/alreji #
  • Surreal, last minute departure from puerto Vallarta. Everything happens for a reason afterall. http://4sq.com/egKl9M #
  • Nothing worse than a slo cabby when u r late circa flight- fortunately I got the fastest driver in all of Mexico! #
  • Made my flight with 20 seconds to spare! LA in 3 hours baby!!! #
  • Is it weird that the flight attendants know me by first name? #
  • Watching Elf – "cotton headed ninny muggins" just makes me laugh (@ Yorba Linda, Ca) http://4sq.com/dMnrR5 #
  • Would you drive a Tuk Tuk @ home? http://www.puretravel.com/blog/2010/10/25/would-you-drive-a-tuk-tuk-at-home/ #
  • Watching Andrew & Julissa (@HenrysTravels) on stage with Shakira – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nns6gn-FrB4 #
  • @psimac sushi in Cali after Christmas 🙂 #
  • Surprised Brea Mall isn't completely overrun by last minute Christmas shoppers- where is every one? #
  • @Tips4Trips lmao! You must live in the golden Christmas shopping city! #
  • @aussiejohn as always, u r the golden example of the Australian patriot… ya big Oz cheerleader!!!! #
  • Taking a break from shopping to take my grandmother for dinner @CheesecakeFactory (@ The Cheesecake Factory) http://4sq.com/dYeLjS #
  • Bringing food & toys to the kids @ Covenant House for Christmas (@ Covenant House) http://4sq.com/g9hgoW #

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