From Puerto Vallarta to San Blas

So day 1, we headed out rather early, around 9 am, after a quick Mexican breakfast with Jay’s family.  The country side was thick with palms and tropical brush, interrupted with lengthy mango groves- really far more green and overgrown than I expected.  Tons of cows, and small “towns” with fruit stands on the main highway.

We stopped at a few places along the way to take pictures.  There was Rincon de Gayabito  that had some unbelievable homes- obviously a favored place for retired Americans since we saw them everywhere.  Particularly along the beaches, every house was just beautiful with elaborate architectural designs.  My favorite were the ones that looked like magnificent  Spanish castles, complete with observation decks that resembled those Mexican wedding cake toppers with 4 staircases and multi-tiered gazebos.  All that was missing was the little bride and groom at the top.

We stopped shortly after this at some marsh lands.  We saw some beautiful birds where the marsh met the ocean and expected to see crocodiles, but alas, nada.   This area was soooo beautiful.  It looked like a mirage; just this quiet body of water surrounded by tropical plants and palm trees and a view of the ocean.  On the other side of the hill, before dropping into this area was a small cove filled with Mexicans on vacation, enjoying beers and snacks at the restaurants and listening to Banda music.

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