Category: Travel & Luxury Experiences
Transforming Lives: The Journey of Bonnie Sharf Provost
In the realm of transformational healing, few stories resonate as powerfully as that of Bonnie Sharf Provost. A board-certified transformational healing coach, Bonnie’s personal journey from paralysis to self-healing has inspired countless individuals to reclaim their health and lives. A Personal Triumph Over Adversity In 2019, Bonnie faced a life-altering diagnosis: a chronic autoimmune disease…
The Power of Identity Shifts: How I Built 8-Figure Businesses Without Working
A while back, a highly respected authority asked me a question that stopped me in my tracks: “How did you do it? How did you build businesses that made eight figures while traveling the world—and without working?” Without missing a beat, I rattled off my response: “I built systems and strategies. They had to meet…
Why WordPress Is More Than a Platform—It’s a Movement Worth Supporting
As someone who built an 8-figure business through blogging and automation, I’ve had the privilege of watching WordPress grow into the extraordinary platform it is today. In fact, WordPress has revolutionized the digital landscape. From its early, humble days to now being the platform behind 43% of all websites, WordPress has literally changed the world—and…
One Good Page™ Template
Template instructions for your One Good Page™: Keep it as is, or rewrite, add your own charities, causes and missions, and make it your own. Be sure to sign your own name at the end to wrap things up. This template is 100% shareable and free for use. Thank you for contributing in such a…
How I Work Just 6 Hours a Month: The Power of Mindset and Resourcefulness
One of the things people often ask me is, “How do you manage to take so much time off?” The truth is, I take more time off than most people think is even possible. My current work schedule is just 6 hours a month, and yes, it’s intentional. In fact, I adjust it at any…